
Well, you don’t have to throw it ALL away.


But if you’re in need of an objective eye, to help with weeding out the things you’ve been hanging on to for years, things you don’t even remember acquiring, and things you no longer have a use for, Pamela Burke is the personal organizer for you!


No, you don’t have to throw it all away. Pamela believes in recycling and donating, and once those options have been utilized, she throws things away. You’ll end up with the possessions you really want, and maybe even a sense of calm.


She’ll help you focus on what’s practical and useful. She’ll help you identify the items that you probably don’t even know you have, because they’ve blended in to your living or work space, and have become part of the landscape. Pamela understands the importance of particular belongings that hold a special place in your heart. She can help you organize your home or office, right down to the junk drawer that many of us seem to need.


Creating order is Pamela Burke’s passion. Find out just how good being organized can feel.


Pamela has been a librarian for twenty-five years. She has a degree in library science and experience in academic archives, as well as libraries big and small. Pamela serves the southern Vermont, Northampton + Amherst Massachusetts regions. She will travel the Northeast for large projects.


Pamela Burke
Personal Organizer


General de-cluttering

Organizing book collections large + small

Packing for a move

Unpacking after a move

Emptying homes following the death of a loved one

Archiving paperwork and ephemera

Curating digital and print photo collections

Re-potting and babying house plants

Make an appointment to discuss your organizational needs, and get your project on Pamela’s calendar.